November 29, 2011

Six New Members in 2011

We have six new members during 2011:

Andrew M. Allen
Donald S. Eley
Gary D. Sawyer
Jason A. Sawyer
Nathan L. Sawyer
Alan H. Stevens

November 23, 2011

Historical Trivia

John Adams defended the British Soldiers after the Boston Massacre!

Captain Thomas Preston led some British Soldiers to aid another British Soldier who was having things thrown at him and was also hit several times with a board. After their arrival, the people continued to pelt the soldiers and finally shots were fired and the infamous "Boston Massacre" was over. Captain Thomas Preston and eight soldiers were charged with murder. Future President John Adams took up the defense of the soldiers. He, along with Joshua Quincy, was able to get all but two acquitted by a local jury. Those two were found guilty of manslaughter, but claimed benefit of clergy. This means that they were allowed to make penance instead of being executed. To insure that they never could use benefit of clergy again they were both branded on the thumbs.

Meeting Minutes of The Central Coast Chapter Nov. 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 1:154 PM. TheInvocation was by Nathan Maas. Gary Cooper led the Pledge of Allegiance and the SAR Pledge.

Attendance 8.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $2,739.52

Our speaker was Staff Sergeant Richard Dillman, US Army, Special Forces. He gave a thumbnail sketch of the training, which sounded like real fun; and briefly described their mission. Details were limited as the gumint doesn’t like to share too much stuff. His presentation was pretty fascinating, nonetheless.

Our Essay Contest winner, Sam Secord, at twelve years of age wrote an interesting piece. We wish him well in his future efforts.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Earl Adams does not have a broken leg.

Officers were elected. Gary Cooper is President and Treasurer. Bill Siler is Vice President. Russell Haynes is Registrar. David Tissue is Secretary.

We have three delinquent members.

Gary Cooper gave the benediction. We adjourned at 2:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Tissue, Secretary

November 15, 2011

Chapter Newsletter

The November issue of the Patriots' Primer may be downloaded HERE.