October 22, 2013

Meeting Minutes for October 19, 2013

Central Coast Chapter Minutes, October 19, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:10 P.M.
Pledges of Allegiance /SAR led by VP Bill Siler. VP Siler presiding in the absence of Gary Cooper.
Invocation by Nate Maas
Attendance: 6 member and 1 guest speaker
Sunshine Report: Acting President Gary Cooper is attempting another cruise.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Scrimiger read the minutes for the September 21, 2013 meeting. Minutes accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Continued to next month. Dues are due by December 1.
New Business: Registrar Russ Haynes presented Secretary Scrimiger a supplemental certificate for his patriot ancestor James Prather of Maryland.
Nate Maas advised that Eagle Scout contest applications must be submitted by the November meeting.

Wreaths Across America and Flags for troops in Afghanistan tabled until the November meeting.
Candidates for the Rumbaugh Oration competition solicited.
Guest Speaker Gill Blonsley Introduction and Presentation:
Mr. Blonsley has an extensive resume to include Administrative Chief of the Clark Co. Nevada Health Dept., Ethics and Disciplinary Board of the Nevada State Bar Assn., Director Las Vegas Valley Water District and Human Relations Commission for the city of San Luis Obispo. A private sector career included providing new and expanded health services for Sutter Health of Sacramento, contract negotiations on behalf of physicians and clinics.

Mr. Blonsley’s presentation focused on the Affordable Care Act and its implementation. The biggest impact of the ACA will be providing coverage for the 50 million uninsured and requiring that everyone obtain coverage much the same as with auto insurance. Mr. Blonsley stated that Medicare took 3 years to obtain an adequate number of enrollees and he expected the same with the ACA.
Physicians were resistant to Medicare in 1964 but it now works well.

The ACA Tier 1 mandates the purchase of coverage or you must pay a penalty that increases each year.  According to Mr. Blonsley, the glitches with the national website are a result of a recent Supreme Court decision allowing states to opt out and that 29 states did opt out leaving them with no interface with the national website. Many States are now reconsidering due to Medicaid reimbursements.

Benefits of the ACA are universal coverage, portability of coverage, pre-existing conditions are covered, there is no denial of coverage and no maximum. Those within 400% of the poverty line will receive a subsidy for their premiums in the form of a tax credit.

Mr. Blonsley pointed out that the ACA was first conceived by the conservative Heritage Foundation and that it was implemented by Mitt Romney while Governor of MA. The MA system still enjoys a 92.5% approval rating.

In San Luis Obispo County, Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross are the underwriters. The California website is www.coveredca.com.
Q & A followed. Mr. Blonsley was most informative and warmly received. Mr. Blonsley was presented a certificate and cannon.
Closing Pledge
Benediction by Nate Maas
Adjournment @ 3:05 P. M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

Speaker for the October 19, 2013, meeting, Gill Blonsley, Affordable Care Act Explained

                                               Gill Blonsley and VP Bill Siler
Speaker for October 19, 2013, meeting

Gill Blonsley
Career Highlights
Gill has had a lifelong career in healthcare administration, serving both in the
public and private sectors of the industry. He started as a management analyst in
Nevada government and then went on to serve for 11 years as the administrative
chief of the public health department for Clark County (Las Vegas) Nevada.
In his private sector career} Gill primarily focused on new and expanded health
services for Sutter Health of Sacramento; and later in his private project
management service as an independent contractor. Gill's areas of specialty
include contract negotiations on behalf of physicians and clinics; office operations
training, facility design and promotion.
During the course of his career Gill has served as an officer or director of
numerous public sector and nonprofit entities including: LasVegas Valley Water
District; Ethics and Disciplinary Board of the Nevada State Bar Association; and
ot ers. He is a former member of the Human Relations Ccmrnisslon.iCitv of San
Luis Obispo; and is currently a member of the County Health Commission.
Gill earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Nevada.
Retired and living in the county for the past seven years, he is married to Linda
Selig Blonslev, an attorney practicing bankruptcy law in Arroyo Grande.

October 8, 2013

2014 Annual Dues are Do

Dues for the calendar year 2014, are due and payable before December.  We need the dues from members to submit that part that goes to CASSAR and NSSAR before the end of the year.

NSSAR = $30, CASSAR = $20 and CHAPTER = $25 for a total of $75. 

Dues may be paid at the meeting, or mailed to
Gary Cooper, Treasurer
Central Coast Chapter of the SAR
897 Oak Park Blvd. PMB 175,
Pismo Beach, CA 93449-3293.

Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

Speaker for meeting of Saturday, October 19, 2013

Next meeting:  Saturday, October 19, 2013, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA
Mr. Gil Blonsley will be addressing the SAR meeting on October 19th  
next on the program subject of "National Affordable Care Act". Mr.  
Blonsley's career has been in Healthcare Administration,  in both   
public and private sectors. He is retired and living in San Luis  
Obispo County for seven years and presently serving on the County  
Health Commission.

Despite the present controversial nature of the subject my  
introductory remarks will be short and hopefully accepted as neutral  
in viewpoint.

Sincerely, s) John
                 p) John W. Siler
                      Ass't. Program Chair