December 23, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for December 20, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for December 20, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:12 PM

Attendance: 11 (7 members plus one pending approval & 3 guests)


Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Sunshine Report: Earl Rader is much improved after a bout with pneumonia.

New Applicant: John Bradley, an Arroyo Grande resident, has submitted an application for SAR membership using in part his grandfather’s 1917 application although in need of new documentation. John brought his grandfather’s 1917 certificate for all to view. John was with LAPD for 23 ½ years before working for Grover Beach PD with the last three as Chief. John’s wife was with LAPD for 10 years and both are now retired.

Guest Speaker: James Fosdyck, VP of CASSAR Southern District was accompanied by his wife, Un Hui who serves as the Ladies Auxiliary Historian. Jim is also a color guard commander for CASSAR. Jim served 27 years with LA County Sheriffs and is now retired.

Jim encouraged our chapter to send a delegate to the CASSAR State meeting scheduled for April 17 & 18 at the Wyndham Irvine Hotel, Orange County. The Fall CASSAR meeting will be held at the historic Mission Inn in Riverside. No dates as of yet.

Another area of emphasis in Jim’s presentation was member retention which is deemed to be critical in insuring SAR is a viable organization going forward. Jim mentioned the new HQ building in Louisville, KY and he stated that Nat’l is also engaged in raising funds for a new interactive museum by selling memorial square footage. The SAR National Congress will be held in Louisville spanning 6 days in 2015. The 2019 National Congress will be in Orange County, CA.

Jim mentioned that one of his SC ancestors was Charles Sullivan who proved to be a hangman for the Crown.

Secretary’s Report: November Minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Current Account balance is $2092.53. The issue of bank maintenance fees has been resolved.

Old Business: None

New Business: John Siler is looking for a January speaker.


Closing Pledge

Adjournment: 2:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger

Chapter Secretary

The Chapter received a flag banner for participation in the wreath program.  The banner was presented by James C. Fosdyck, VP, South, CA Society.

December 16, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for November 15, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for November 15, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:11 PM

Attendance:  9 members


Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Sunshine Report:  Earl Rader is battling pneumonia.

Guest Speaker: Our own Phil Rader although under protest. Phil Rader can trace much of his family genealogy due in large measure to the Rader bible which has been preserved through the centuries. The Phil’s family can be traced to Mutterstadt, Germany which is just west of Mannheim while other Rader’s are of Swiss extraction. During and following the 30 Years War (1618-1648) some 13,000 Germans migrated to the American Colonies. William Penn of Pennsylvania provided a good deal of encouragement.

Phil’s ancestor’s hail from Timberville, VA, site of the Rader Lutheran Church which has stood at that same site for 249 years. There has been an annual Rader family reunion at Timberville for 149 years and Phil has attended. Phil’s ancestors experienced Indian depredations during the Revolutionary  War in the region of Fort Run now in West Virginia.

Phil also shared some historical weaponry including an exquisite 19th century Colt revolver  and a Civil War era naval saber.

Treasurer’s Report: current account balance $1816.56. Pres Cooper made a motion to purchase new name tags, seconded (Haynes), motion was passed.

Old Business: Dues are due. $ 75.00 (Nat’l $30.00, State $20.00, Chapter $ 25.00).

Roger Koeninger generously provided SAR WHATS pamphlets to share with family and friends.

October 28, 2014

Chapter Minutes for October 18, 2014

                               Central Coast Chapter Minutes for October 18, 2014


Meeting to Order: 1:15 P.M.

Attendance: 11 Members & 5 Guests

Pledges of Allegiance & SAR led by Pres. Gary Cooper as was the invocation.

Sunshine Report: Nothing to report.

New Business: Introduction of new member Mike Ford who is an Air Force retiree after 26 years of service.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Kyle Pruitt, Principal of Morro Bay High School. Dr. Pruitt is a native of San Luis Obispo County and he comes from a family of educators. Dr. Pruitt appeared in order to advocate for the passage of Measure D which if passed will raise $177 million for capital improvements for San Luis Obispo High School, Morro Bay High School and smaller improvements to elementary and middle schools within San Luis Obispo Unified School District.

Dr. Pruitt said that MBHS was in dire need of a new design to enhance security while upgrading the technology capabilities. Pruitt also stated that a community pool, upgraded HVAC, plumbing upgrades ( 20% of school water useage is leakage), updated classroom design and more desirable sight lines were in the offing with the passage of Measure D.

Dr. Pruitt mentioned that there is a Cuesta College Bond measure on the November ballot which might lead to voter fatigue on the issue of school bonds. None of the bond money will go to pay teacher or district personnel salaries. Central Coast Citizen’s for Measure D can be found on Facebook.

Dr Pruitt’s presentation was warmly received and he was presented with a certificate and cannon.

Treasurer’s Report: Account Balance a/o 9/24/14 was $1944.24.

Motion to allow the Treasurer to purchase cannons and rosettes (Cooper), Seconded (Tissue). Motion was carried.

Secretary’s Report: None
Benediction by Pres. Cooper
Adjournment: 2:36 P.M.

June 21, 2014

Meeting Minutes, May 17, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes, May17, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:10 PM
Attendance: 6 Members, 1 DAR, 1 Guest
Guest Speaker: Bill Ostrander, a local rancher and activist is spearheading an effort to overturn the Citizen’s United and McCutcheon decisions by the Supreme Court which allows unlimited campaign contributions. The name of Mr. Ostrander’s group is Citizen’s Congress 2014 and the group will convene the weekend of June 2 through June 5. June 2 will kick off with a free presentation at the Spanos Theatre at Cal Poly followed by numerous presentations and discussion groups at The Cliffs Hotel and Resort in Pismo Beach.
Mr. Ostrander explained that the issue of campaign finance and the profusion of money into our electoral process poses the greatest threat to our democracy. The possibility of a 27th amendment is one avenue that will be explored to allow public financing of campaigns but constitutional amendments require approval by 2/3 of the Congress and ¾ of the States. Citizen’s Congress 2014 will explore all possible remedies to the corrosive influence of unlimited contributions. Mr. Ostrander pointed out that our congress people spend much of working day in pursuit of contributions rather than legislation to the detriment of all. The website for Ostrander’s group is
Mr Ostrander’s presentation was warmly received and he was presented with a certificate and cannon.
Secretary’s Report: May Minutes accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: a/o 4/25/14 $1947.73 account balance.
Old Business: SLOCGS ad to be continued.
New Business: None
Benediction by Earl Rader
Adjournment: 2:22 PM

June 20, 2014

Speaker for meeting of June 21, 2014

Next meeting:  Saturday, June 21, 2014, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

The speaker for Saturday. June 21 will be Chris Lewi, a San Luis Obispo attorney. 

William Siler

There will be no meetings for July and August.

See you September 20, 2014, same time, same place.


May 18, 2014

Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2014

                Central Coast Chapter Minutes, April 19, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:05 PM
Pledges of Allegiance & SAR
Attendance: 10 Members, 1 Guest
Sunshine Report: Gordon Willey is present.
Speakers: John and Bill Siler on April 19, 1775
Bill recited the first stanza of Emerson’s Concord Hymn.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world
John spoke about some of the inaccuracies and traditions surrounding April 19, 1775, specifically Josiah Nelson’s encounter with British officers in the night when he failed to recognize them as such. Nelson received a head wound and is thus believed to be the first casualty of the Revolution.
Per Dr. Detwiler, History is merely the interpretation of has happened. Historian’s can also have an agenda.
Historical accounts vary per Historian and in some cases severely lacking. For instance, Arthur Sclesinger Jr.’s Age of Jackson neglects to mention the Trail of Tears.
John and Bill’s presentation was warmly received.
Secretary’s Report: March Minutes were read and accepted.
Old Business: None
New Business: None

Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 1:43 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

April 13, 2014

Meeting Minutes March 15, 2014

                                      Central Coast Chapter Minutes, March 15, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:08 PM

Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Attendance: 6 Members, 1 Guest Speaker

Secretary’s Report – Minutes of February meeting were read and accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report – No report

Sunshine Report - Gordon Willey fit and in attendance.

Guest Speaker:

Sean Emerson is presently the store director for the Morro Bay Albertsons. Mr. Emerson has an AA from Allan Hancock College and he was born and raised on the Central Coast. Mr. Emerson was first acquainted with the grocery business when he was employed as a box boy with Williams Bros. After a short stint in construction Sean returned Williams Bros. and worked his way through college.

Von’s acquired Williams Bros. and in 1991 Sean was promoted to GM Clerk, a key carrier position.  Albertson’s built a store in Morro Bay and Sean pursued a position there and became a night clerk in 2 years. Sean promoted 3rd Key Manager at the Lompoc store, Asst. Store Director at Arroyo Grande, Asst. Store Director at Buellton. Finally, he became and is presently Store Director in Morro Bay.

The strike of 2003 was a sad affair but Mr. Emerson appreciates the fact that Albertson’s clerks make $20.00 an hour plus $5.10 per hour toward pension and health benefit. Sean stated that the union salary and benefit makes for more professional and less transient employees.

Albertson’s has had some hard times in recent years due to mismanagement but now the old Albertson’s management is back in charge following the chains’ purchase by Cerberus Equity.

Sean brought in weekly ads and the Big Book to point out the loss leaders and bargains. Mr. Emerson’s presentation was warmly received and he was promised a cannon.

New Business:

April 30th marks the 225th anniversary of George Washington’s inauguration.

Old Business: None

Closing Pledge

Adjournment @ 2:26 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger

Chapter Secretary

March 13, 2014

Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:11 PM
Invocation (Cooper)
American and SAR Pledges
Attendance: 6 Members, 1 Guest Speaker
Sunshine Report: Status of Earl Adams is unknown and Gordon Willey is out of town.
Secretary’s Report: February Minutes were read. Motion (Rader) to accept the Minutes as read. Seconded (Pittman). Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: $3,076.68 a/o end of January.
Old Business: Acting Pres. Cooper will try to confirm that Roger Koeninger will still be presenting the ROTC Medal to a deserving cadet @ Cal Poly ceremony.
Bill Siler again raised the issue of poor attendance and asked for suggestions going forward.
Guest Speaker:
Deputy District Attorney Dan Dow. Mr. Dow’s illustrious background has him with SLO Co. District Attorney’s Office since 2007 and prior to that he was a Deputy DA in Riverside Co.
Mr. Dow is a Major in the California Army National Guard, Command Judge Advocate and has served for 21 years. Mr. Dow originally attended the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA, where he learned Korean and finished at the top of his class.
Mr. Dow worked in the computer industry in Silicon Valley and was married in 1992. The tech bubble of the early 90’s convinced Mr. Dow to attend law school at the University of Santa Clara. Midway through school his Intelligence/Linguistics Guard unit was activated to Fort Stewart and then to Kosovo. While in Kosovo, Mr. Dow learned Albanian and was tasked with conducting the search for war criminals.
Upon his return to civilian life, Dow completed law school, passed the BAR and clerked in SLO Co.  Then in Riverside Co. Mr. Dow was twice misdemeanor prosecutor of the year and then with the felony team. The Dows returned to SLO Co. where Dan works fraud, molestation and abuse cases as well as with the Veterans Treatment Court.
In 2010, Mr. Dow’s unit was activated to Iraq for the Military Justice Trial Brigade chiefly for court-martials however, Mr. Dow was awarded the bronze star for actions during this period.
Dan Dow is originally from Massachusetts and has an ancestor who served with the 4th Maine Regiment during the Civil War. Mr. Dow expressed interest in SAR membership and was told that our Registrar could assist with that.
Mr. Dow is running for District Attorney now that Gerald Shea is retiring.
Closing Pledge
Adjournment @ 2:25

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

February 6, 2014

Speaker for February 15, 2014 Meeting

Next meeting:  Saturday, February 15, 2014, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

The program will concern operations of the SLO County District Attorney. David Dow, Deputy D/A will be the speaker. A major in the U. S. Army Reserve, Doe has spent time in Iraq and other locations and has a background in Military Intelligence. Among other educational features he is a graduate of the U. S. Army Language School in Monterey, CA. I will plug attendance when possible, Bill Siler, SAR

Minutes of Meeting of January 18, 2014

                                Central Coast Chapter Minutes, January 18, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:05 PM
Pledges of Allegiance and SAR
Invocation by Nate Maas
Attendance: 9 Members
New Business: To order off of the full menu at the listed price or to choose from 5 items at $11.95.
Motion (Tissue) to order off the full menu, Seconded (Haynes). Motion carried.
Sunshine Report: Bill Siler was hospitalized days prior our meeting but was in attendance. Gordon Willey may be traveling as no one has been able to contact him.
Secretary’s Report: December Minutes were read. Motion to approve (Haynes),  Seconded (Maas). Motion carried.
John Siler was again drafted on short notice. John’s topic was 3rd Parties in American Politics. Generally, a 3rd party is any which is not the Democrats or the GOP. Sometimes they’re splinter parties who have deserted their own party while others are a single issue party i.e. Prohibitionists. Some 3rd parties are highly ideological as was the Socialist Party circa 1880-1920. The Electoral College protects the two major parties but 3rd parties have influenced elections like in 1992 when Ross Perot garnered 18.6% of the popular vote or in 2000 with Ralph Nader’s Green Party. The last 3rd Party candidate to actually receive electoral votes was George Wallace in 1968. John’s presentation was greatly appreciated.
Guest David Hanush will be working with Registrar Russ Haynes to complete his application.
Treasurers Report: Current account balance is $3098.02.
No new business but Nate Maas spoke eloquently about recently deceased Compatriot Lewis Height.
Closing Pledge

Adjournment @ 2:05 PM
Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

January 4, 2014

Minutes of December 21 Meeting

                               Central Coast Chapter Minutes, December 21, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:13 PM
Pledges of Allegiance and SAR
Attendance:  4 Members and 2 Guests
Sunshine Report:  Lewis Height passed away on 12/19. Status of Earl Adams is unknown and Gordon Willey was attending to some pressing business.
Secretary’s Report: October Minutes were read and approved.
Acting President Gary Cooper offered to reimburse Russ Haynes for his contributions to Wreaths Around America and the Afghanistan Flag Project but Russ declined.
Treasurer’s Report: Account Balance a/o End of November, $2896.00.
Dana M. Cummings is the San Luis Obispo Co. Veteran Services Officer. Mr. Cummings is a former Marine and veteran of the Gulf War with six years of service. Mr. Cummings hails originally from Livermore Falls, Maine and he possesses a degree in software engineering.
All Counties in CA are required by law to have a VSO Veteran Services Officer since 1938. Chief duties of the VSO are that of assisting veterans in receiving all of the benefits they and their families are entitled to i.e. filing for service connected disabilities, pension benefits, burial benefits, survivor benefits, VA loans, employment and educational benefits.
Another function of the VSO is to represent and mentor veterans who find themselves involved in the criminal justice system. Due to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, many veterans turn to alcohol and drugs with predictable consequences. Much of the PTSD is due to too many tours of duty and there is an acknowledgment by the courts that this is a societal issue with some responsibility. Mr. Cummings was accompanied by Deputy District Attorney Dave Dow of the Veterans Treatment Court which exists to monitor and assist probation-eligible veterans. A system of trained volunteer mentors has been set up guide veterans through the criminal justice system, individualized treatment and rehabilitation.
Mr. Cummings also mentioned in parting that all veterans should obtain a VET-ID card which can be done through his office. Phone # 805-781-5766 or  A DD-214 is required.
The VET-ID allows for the vet to receive many local services and benefits including discounts at many local businesses. The presentation of Mr. Cummings and Mr. Dow was warmly received. A cannon and certificate were presented.

Old Business: VP Bill Siler was somewhat agitated by the attendance or lack thereof. It was suggested that we explore ways to enhance monthly attendance.
Closing Pledge
Adjournment @ 2:30 PM

Dana Cummings receives a certificate of appreciation and a desk cannon from acting President, Gary Cooper.