May 18, 2014

Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2014

                Central Coast Chapter Minutes, April 19, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:05 PM
Pledges of Allegiance & SAR
Attendance: 10 Members, 1 Guest
Sunshine Report: Gordon Willey is present.
Speakers: John and Bill Siler on April 19, 1775
Bill recited the first stanza of Emerson’s Concord Hymn.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world
John spoke about some of the inaccuracies and traditions surrounding April 19, 1775, specifically Josiah Nelson’s encounter with British officers in the night when he failed to recognize them as such. Nelson received a head wound and is thus believed to be the first casualty of the Revolution.
Per Dr. Detwiler, History is merely the interpretation of has happened. Historian’s can also have an agenda.
Historical accounts vary per Historian and in some cases severely lacking. For instance, Arthur Sclesinger Jr.’s Age of Jackson neglects to mention the Trail of Tears.
John and Bill’s presentation was warmly received.
Secretary’s Report: March Minutes were read and accepted.
Old Business: None
New Business: None

Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 1:43 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary