October 28, 2014

Chapter Minutes for October 18, 2014

                               Central Coast Chapter Minutes for October 18, 2014


Meeting to Order: 1:15 P.M.

Attendance: 11 Members & 5 Guests

Pledges of Allegiance & SAR led by Pres. Gary Cooper as was the invocation.

Sunshine Report: Nothing to report.

New Business: Introduction of new member Mike Ford who is an Air Force retiree after 26 years of service.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Kyle Pruitt, Principal of Morro Bay High School. Dr. Pruitt is a native of San Luis Obispo County and he comes from a family of educators. Dr. Pruitt appeared in order to advocate for the passage of Measure D which if passed will raise $177 million for capital improvements for San Luis Obispo High School, Morro Bay High School and smaller improvements to elementary and middle schools within San Luis Obispo Unified School District.

Dr. Pruitt said that MBHS was in dire need of a new design to enhance security while upgrading the technology capabilities. Pruitt also stated that a community pool, upgraded HVAC, plumbing upgrades ( 20% of school water useage is leakage), updated classroom design and more desirable sight lines were in the offing with the passage of Measure D.

Dr. Pruitt mentioned that there is a Cuesta College Bond measure on the November ballot which might lead to voter fatigue on the issue of school bonds. None of the bond money will go to pay teacher or district personnel salaries. Central Coast Citizen’s for Measure D can be found on Facebook.

Dr Pruitt’s presentation was warmly received and he was presented with a certificate and cannon.

Treasurer’s Report: Account Balance a/o 9/24/14 was $1944.24.

Motion to allow the Treasurer to purchase cannons and rosettes (Cooper), Seconded (Tissue). Motion was carried.

Secretary’s Report: None
Benediction by Pres. Cooper
Adjournment: 2:36 P.M.