December 23, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for December 20, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for December 20, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:12 PM

Attendance: 11 (7 members plus one pending approval & 3 guests)


Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Sunshine Report: Earl Rader is much improved after a bout with pneumonia.

New Applicant: John Bradley, an Arroyo Grande resident, has submitted an application for SAR membership using in part his grandfather’s 1917 application although in need of new documentation. John brought his grandfather’s 1917 certificate for all to view. John was with LAPD for 23 ½ years before working for Grover Beach PD with the last three as Chief. John’s wife was with LAPD for 10 years and both are now retired.

Guest Speaker: James Fosdyck, VP of CASSAR Southern District was accompanied by his wife, Un Hui who serves as the Ladies Auxiliary Historian. Jim is also a color guard commander for CASSAR. Jim served 27 years with LA County Sheriffs and is now retired.

Jim encouraged our chapter to send a delegate to the CASSAR State meeting scheduled for April 17 & 18 at the Wyndham Irvine Hotel, Orange County. The Fall CASSAR meeting will be held at the historic Mission Inn in Riverside. No dates as of yet.

Another area of emphasis in Jim’s presentation was member retention which is deemed to be critical in insuring SAR is a viable organization going forward. Jim mentioned the new HQ building in Louisville, KY and he stated that Nat’l is also engaged in raising funds for a new interactive museum by selling memorial square footage. The SAR National Congress will be held in Louisville spanning 6 days in 2015. The 2019 National Congress will be in Orange County, CA.

Jim mentioned that one of his SC ancestors was Charles Sullivan who proved to be a hangman for the Crown.

Secretary’s Report: November Minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Current Account balance is $2092.53. The issue of bank maintenance fees has been resolved.

Old Business: None

New Business: John Siler is looking for a January speaker.


Closing Pledge

Adjournment: 2:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger

Chapter Secretary

The Chapter received a flag banner for participation in the wreath program.  The banner was presented by James C. Fosdyck, VP, South, CA Society.

December 16, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for November 15, 2014

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for November 15, 2014

Meeting to Order: 1:11 PM

Attendance:  9 members


Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Sunshine Report:  Earl Rader is battling pneumonia.

Guest Speaker: Our own Phil Rader although under protest. Phil Rader can trace much of his family genealogy due in large measure to the Rader bible which has been preserved through the centuries. The Phil’s family can be traced to Mutterstadt, Germany which is just west of Mannheim while other Rader’s are of Swiss extraction. During and following the 30 Years War (1618-1648) some 13,000 Germans migrated to the American Colonies. William Penn of Pennsylvania provided a good deal of encouragement.

Phil’s ancestor’s hail from Timberville, VA, site of the Rader Lutheran Church which has stood at that same site for 249 years. There has been an annual Rader family reunion at Timberville for 149 years and Phil has attended. Phil’s ancestors experienced Indian depredations during the Revolutionary  War in the region of Fort Run now in West Virginia.

Phil also shared some historical weaponry including an exquisite 19th century Colt revolver  and a Civil War era naval saber.

Treasurer’s Report: current account balance $1816.56. Pres Cooper made a motion to purchase new name tags, seconded (Haynes), motion was passed.

Old Business: Dues are due. $ 75.00 (Nat’l $30.00, State $20.00, Chapter $ 25.00).

Roger Koeninger generously provided SAR WHATS pamphlets to share with family and friends.