Our speaker was John Peschong, who is running for County Supervisor for North County.
John Peschong and President Russ Haynes
Central Coast Chapter Minutes for February 20, 2016
Meeting to Order: 1:19 PM
Invocation by Treasurer Gary Cooper
Pledges of Allegiance & SAR
Sunshine Report: Our friend Earl Rader is under the weather.
Guests: Josanne Jacksen accompanied her spouse, John Bradbury. Mike Cerny is working on his application while Dave Evers is a prospective member. Davis Solvang and Ernest Miller have apps pending.
Secretary’s Report: January Minutes were read aloud and accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Current account balance stands at $2,441.76.
Guest Speaker: John Siler introduced John Peschong, candidate for county supervisor. Mr. Peschong has been a member of the SAR, Washington DC chapter since 1986. Mr. Peschong is a 15 year resident of Templeton and a graduate of Loyola of Marymount. Thereafter Mr. Peschong was a communications director for the Reagan administration, chairman for the CA GOP and a partner in Meridian Pacific political strategists. Mr. Peschong believes in less taxation, more efficient government and less regulation. Creeping gang activity in both north and south county was an expressed area of concern and Mr. Peschong thought Boys and Girls Clubs helped thwart crime. Another issue mentioned was north county water usage and storage. Mr. Peschong was warmly received and Pres Russ Haynes awarded a certificate and cannon.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Closing Pledge
Benediction by Treasurer Gary Cooper
Adjournment: 2:30 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary