May 15, 2016

Meeting Minutes 16 Apr 2016

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for April 16, 2016
Meeting to order: 1:11 PM
Pledges Allegiance & SAR
New Business: Two new members, Kelly Richard Davis’s app approved & Ernest Miller’s certificate was issued.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $2,431.67.
In the absence of a speaker, Kelly Davis was kind enough to speak about is revolutionary ancestor, Col. William Crawford. Crawford was a veteran of the French & Indians War and a close friend to George Washington. At War’s end, Crawford led an expedition of PA & VA militia to Sandusky, OH in an effort to stop Indian depredation on the frontier. The militia army was routed by a superior force made up of English troops and Indian tribes still loyal to the crown.
The retreat of militia forces proved chaotic with Crawford captured and tortured to death. Kelly’s presentation was warmly received.
Old Business: The chapter will be dark (no meeting) for July, August & September.
Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 2:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

                                    Russ Haynes and New Member Ernest Miller

                                    Russ Haynes and New Member Kelley Davis