January 11, 2018

Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2017

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for December 16, 2017

Meeting to Order: 1:06 PM
Attendance:  9 Members & 2 Guests including. our speaker
Pledges of Allegiance and SAR
Sunshine Report: Earl Rader is still dealing with his illness and we wish him well.
Secretary’s Report: November minutes were read aloud. Motion (Tissue) to accept the minutes as read. Seconded (Cooper). Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: With the addition of 3 dues checks the balance as of 12/16/17 is $5042.28. Motion (Tissue) to reimburse Pres. Haynes for expenditures. Seconded (Cooper). Motion carried.
Jerry Allen, present as a guest, is still working on his application.
Speaker: Tony Cipolla, formerly KSBY news anchor, is now the Public Information Officer and point of contact for the SLO Sheriff’s Dept. Mr. Cipolla possesses a degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Illinois and was a reporter and newsman for 21 years.
Tony acquainted the group with various law enforcement acronyms and jargon. Tony also shared some bizarre anecdotes as with the Bakersfield couple that was stopped in Cayucos with a decayed body in the back seat with their daughter. Initially, a suspicious death with their daughter ordered to protective services.
Mr. Cipolla updated the Sheriff’s website to include Most Wanted Wednesdays. Throwback Thursdays includes historic images of the Sheriff’s Dept. and jail. The original jail was inside the mission. Stupid Criminal Saturdays are still a continuing theme. Hi-Fi Fridays accentuate the various S.O. units include. the dive team, search & rescue, canine and SWAT.
A small studio has been completed and will allow for live streaming and podcasts. 911 can now be texted. Tony’s presentation was warmly received. He was presented with a certificate and cannon.
Steven Scully was presented two supplemental certificates. Doug Evans has an application approved, but has not been available to be sworn in. This should be done in January or February.
Old Business: None
New Business: Installation of board members for 2018. RN Haynes-Registrar, Steven Scully-Pres., Brian Mummert-VP, Chris Scrimiger-Secretary & Bill Harris-Treasurer. Motion (Tissue) to approve the proposed slate for the 2018 board. Seconded (Cerny). Motion carried.
Agreement that if there is no quorum, there will be a 30 day waiting period on motions and if no one objects, the motion becomes accepted.  
Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 2:22 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger

Chapter Secretary