February 17, 2018

Meeting Minutes for the Central Coast Chapter SAR, 17 Feb. 2018

Minutes of Central Coast Chapter of SAR, Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018

Michael Buckman received Supplemental Recognition.

Chris has the flu and was thoughtful enough to not share it with us.  Ergo,  no previous meeting minutes were available to read but could be read at the next meeting. Gary Cooper is under the weather, also.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $4,841.30.

Our speaker was introduced by John Siler with some amusing anecdotal math humor...If there is such a thing.

Guest Speaker

Barry Garelick, an author of two books; Letters From John Dewey,  And Letters From Huck Finn, was our very well prepared and learned speaker.  He is a Michigan graduate with advanced degrees from other places and Federal Employment in his background.  He discussed in considerable detail the current state of  Mathematics as being taught  at levels beginning at home (somewhat discouraged), going from K to 12 and into college and beyond.  The evolution, the beginning of which isn’t clear to me-but sometime in the last century, I think, includes traditional math (memorization-pretty much out of use),  New Math (launched in the sixties with Sputnik and failing in the seventies),  followed by something created by NCTM (National Council of Math Teachers) in 1989 that might work.  Don’t know!  The upshot of all this (my interpretation) is that computers and calculators in the hands of the generation now being educated and one day to be in charge have  replaced the formerly required skills of being able to do addition,  multiplication tables, and long division on paper with pen or pencil. Oh,  Dear!

Barry says there’s hope,  however.    His daughter Angie was in attendance.  She very likely can do math in her head!

There was no old  or new business,  and following The S. A. R. closing Pledge,   we adjourned at about 1430 hours.

Respectfully and one hopes somewhat accurately submitted in substitution for the real Secretary,
David Atlee Tissue

Guest Speaker Garry Garelick

Michael Buckman and Russ Haynes

February 12, 2018

Photos of January Meeting

Officers for 2018, being sworn in by Eric Brown, VP for CASSAR. L to R Chris Scrimiger, Secretary; Russ Haynes, Registrar; Steve Scully, President; Bill Harris, Treasurer; and Brian Mummert, VP.  Congratulations guys.

Bill Harris receives SAR certificate for a supplemental application from President Steve Scully.  Bill now has three approved SAR applications.  Congratulations, Bill.

Tina Metzger, guest speaker receives a deck canon and Certificate of Appreciation from President Steve Scully.  Thanks, Tina.

February 11, 2018

The next meeting for the Central Coast Chapter of SAR will be February 17, 2018

   The next meeting for the Central Coast Chapter of SAR will be February 17, 2018, at IHOP Restaurant, Madonna Rd, SLO, at 1:00 PM

The guest speaker will be:

Barry Garelick

Author of

“Confessions of a 21st Century Math Teacher”

“Math Education in the U.S.: Still Crazy After All These Years”

“Letter from John Dewey/Letters from Huck Finn: A Look At Math Education from the Inside”

Barry Garelick is a parent and advocate for better mathematics programs in U.S. Schools. He has a degree in mathematics from University of Michigan and after retiring from the federal government, has recently received his California credential to teach math in secondary schools. He has written articles on math education for The Atlantic, Education Next, Educational Leadership and Education News. He is the author of "Letters from John Dewey/Letters from Huck Finn", also published by Modern Educator Press. He is currently teaching math in California, where he lives with his wife and daughter.

Barry Garelick

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for January 20, 2018

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for January 20, 2018

Meeting to Order: 1:05 PM

Pledges of Allegiance & SAR

Attendance: 11 Members and our guest speaker

New officers were sworn in by former CASSAR VP Derek Brown. The Annual Spring Meeting will be held April 19-21 in Concord, CA. The CASSAR newsletter is available on line although you can arrange to receive a hard copy for an extra $10. According to Mr. Brown, NSSAR has a goal of 9% growth this year.

Sunshine Report: Gordon Wiley was unable to attend.

Guest Speaker: Tina Metzger, a former 1978 body surfing champion from San Clemente, possesses a B.S. in Landscape Architecture and an M.S. in City & Regional Planning, both from Cal Poly. Professionally, Tina operates Tina Metzger Enterprises, an architectural and environmental planning concern. Tina is also an adjunct instructor at Cal Poly.

Tina ran for mayor of Morro Bay in 2016 because she had become alarmed by the tactics used by the city to fast track large projects without due diligence or oversight. Of particular interest to Tina was a $167 million sewer project to be built in close proximity to her home. Homeowners received no notice and the city produced no EIR. Tina went door to door to advise her neighbors and hundreds showed at the next advisory meeting. The city council was at first unsympathetic but finally resolved to use an alternate site. Tina lost her mayoral bid to the incumbent by 208 votes. Tina wants people to be engaged and not let government be conducted in secrecy. She is undecided about a future mayoral run. Tina was presented a certificate and cannon in appreciation.

Secretary’s Report: Reading the December minutes waived. Motion (R Haynes),seconded (Scully). Carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Current balance stands at $4992.32.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Supplemental Certificate awarded to Bill Harris.

Closing Pledge

Adjournment: 2:45 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Scrimiger

Chapter Secretary