March 28, 2013

Invitation from DAR to hear speaker from the USS Hornet

Update:  13 Apr 2013; 10:30 PM

You are invited to join the Paso del Robles Chapter of the DAR to hear a presentation by Don Mazy on the USS HORNET.
Date: May 16, 2013, Thursday noon.  Please join us for a light lunch.
Location: The Los Robles Mobile Home Estates Club House on Via Robles, Paso Robles.  It is off of Theater Drive (Freeway 101 frontage road), between 46 West exit and Main Street exit (Templeton).  You can google Via Robles, Paso Robles for a map.

Please do us the favor of letting us know how many will be attending so that we can prepare for food and seating.   That means  RSVP

Best Regards, Sue Hayes, Vice Regent 805.464.0479
Please cc correspondence to Donna Cohen, Regent.
The members of our chapter have been invited by the Paso Robles Chapter of the DAR to hear a speaker from the USS Hornet make a presentation in May.  If you are interested, contact Sue Hayes.  Below is the invitation.

My name is Donna Cohen, Regent of the Daughters of the American Reveloution, El Paso de Robles Chapter.  We are trying to locate local SAR members in hopes of sharing an exciting speaker we having coming to speak to our group from the USS Hornet in May.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can gather both groups for this exciting speaker, contact our Vice Regent and Program Chair, Sue Hayes, for further details at (805) 464-0479 or email at  Or feel free to give me a call, or email, at the numbers below.

Thank you so much and we look forward to hearing from you.

In DAR Service,

Donna Cohen
El Paso de Robles
805-227-7105  Home
805-395-0630  Cell