October 21, 2015

Minutes to Meeting 17 Oct 2015

Meeting minutes October 17, 2015

Called to order at 1:11 PM.. Attendance 9.  Invocation by Gary Cooper.

Dr. Jim Shea has an application pending and attended as a guest.

Our one true secretary, Chris is working thru some medical issues.  

Dues are due.  We have $2,193.49 in the bank.

Veterans will receive free meals at Applebees on Veterans Day, which is of course November 11.

Our program consisted of a discussion about who each of us wanted for Presidential candidates and who we thought would win.  If you'd like to know who we favored and predicted to win, come to the next meeting.  Our predictions are quite as good as any February Groundhog!

And, by the way, our discussions are enlightening and entertaining.  Another reason to get here one Saturday a month. 

Respectfully submitted,

David A.  Tissue,  Acting Secretary