April 24, 2019

Member Bill Harris receives a certificate for an approved supplemental application from president Steve Scully.  Congratulations, Bill.

April 6, 2019

Another Certificate for Proudly and Properly Displaying the US Flag

Central Coast Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution awards Edward Stanton a flag certificate for proudly and properly displaying the US Flag.   

April 4, 2019

Well, we made page 8 of the Clam Tide, Oceano/5cities Elks newsletter.

Well, we made page 8 of the Claim Tide, Oceano/5cities Elks newsletter.

Another Presentation of a Certificate for US Flag Display

 Joanne Mancarella and Skip Permenter of Mesa Dunes Mobile Home Estates proudly accept a flag certificate from Central Coast Chapter of SAR

April 1, 2019

Sunset North Car Wash Flag Certificate Presentation

Jessica and Bart, owners of the Sunset North Car Wash proudly accept Sons of American Revolution Flag certificate for the continued and appropriate display of the American Flag