August 24, 2015

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for June 20, 2015

                                          Central Coast Chapter Minutes for June 20, 2015

Meeting to Order: 1:11 PM
Attendance: 9 members
Pledges of Allegiance & SAR
Secretary’s Report: May minutes read. Motion to accept the minutes as read (Tissue), seconded (E. Rader). Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report unavailable.
Sunshine Report: Jerry Evans has passed away. Gary Cooper and Roger Koeninger were ill.
Motion to make September dark (no meeting) and to resume in October (Tissue), seconded (E. Reader). Motion carried.
Speaker: John Siler was again kind enough to step in and he chose to speak on the presidential election of 1968. In terms of the trust factor, JFK was the last president to have the trust of the majority of Americans.
In 1968, Lyndon Johnson pledged not to run and threw the Democratic nomination into chaos. Hubert Humphrey was the likely favorite but he couldn’t distance himself from LBJ and the Viet Nam war. Anti-war candidates like Eugene McCarthy  and Robert Kennedy emerged. Senator McCarthy won the Oregon primary but the momentum shifted to Kennedy who won in Nebraska and California. RFK was assassinated following his CA victory. George Wallace mounted the strongest 3rd party candidacy since 1912.
In the end, GOP candidate Richard Nixon outdistanced Humphrey in a tight contest. Nixon carried CA, OH and IL, each by less than 3% and had Humphrey carried just one of them it might have enabled George Wallace’s electors to prevent a Nixon victory in the Electoral College. The rest is History.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 2:20 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary