January 25, 2015

Minutes of Meeting and Installation of Officers for 2015 - 17 Jan 2015

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for January 17, 2015

Meeting to Order: 1:06 PM
Invocation by outgoing President Gary Cooper
Pledges of Allegiance and SAR
Sunshine Report: Nothing of note
Officer nominations: Russ Haynes, Pres. and Registrar, Gary Cooper, Treasurer, Bill Siler, VP and Chris Scrimiger, Secretary. Motion to approve the slate of officers for 2015 (Cooper), seconded (Tissue). Motion approved.
Secretary’s Report: The December Minutes were read. Motion to accept the Minutes as read (E. Rader), seconded (Cooper). Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Current account balance is $2,747.49. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report (Haynes), seconded (Pittman). Motion approved.
Guest Speakers:  Greg McGill and John Gajdos from the Central Coast Honor Flight organization spoke. Greg is a Kern Co. firefighter living in Templeton and John is employed with SLO Co. and a former MBPD.
The Honor Flight organization is a nonprofit that raises money and uses it to transport military veterans to Washington DC to view the war memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Fort McHenry, Annapolis and other Washington DC sites. Honor Flights is presently serving WWII vets since they are beginning to disappear. Over 16 million served in WWII and less than 2% received a celebratory homecoming at war’s end.
Honor Flights believe these flights provide closure for some and universal appreciation for all who served. Korean vets are next in line since their numbers are also dwindling. The terminally ill receive preference.
Greg emphasized that all money raised goes toward the veteran’s costs which run about $1500.00 per vet. Volunteers pay their own way.
The Central Coast Honor Flight group has been in operation since 2014. Our own Gordon Willey has been on an Honor Flight trip and Bill Siler is scheduled for one in May.
Greg McGill can be reached at honorflightccc@gmail.com if you would like to have someone added to the list or make a donation. The presentation was warmly received and Greg was presented with a cannon.
Old Business: None
New Business: David Ott is a new member who has transferred from Riverside SAR. David is a Real Estate Appraiser by profession.
Closing Pledge
Adjournment: 2:13 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

Installation of officers for 2015, by Gary Cooper, outgoing President for 12years;  LtoR  Chris Scrimiger. Secretary; Russ Haynes, President and Registrar; and Bill Siler, VP; Gary Cooper.

Guest speaker, Greg McGill, representing Honor Flight, Central Coast California.  A group that honors veterans of all wars and providing the Vets an opportunity to visit the Vets Memorial in Washington DC.