December 19, 2013

Speaker for the Meeting, December 21, 2013

Next meeting:  Saturday, December 21, 2013, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA
Dear Compatriots,

Contact with Dana Cummings' Secretary at 4:30 PM today confirms that  
Mr. Cummings will be the program speaker for the meeting noted in  
subject hereof.

Bio information has not been furnished but he is Chief of veterans  
Administration Office in San Luis Obispo County. Ne served in the U.S.  
marines and saw action in the recent Gulf War. I expect an interesting  
discussion of Veterans Affairs will be developed by Dana, SAR members  
will find this program and subject of continuing interest,

Sincerely, William W. Siler,
                  SAR Program Chairman

December 3, 2013

Meeting Minutes of 16 November 2013

Sons of the American Revolution

                                             Central Coast Chapter Minutes, November 16, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:03 PM
Invocation by VP Bill Siler ( Presiding)
Pledges of Allegiance & SAR
Attendance:  8 members
Sunshine Report:  Gordon Willey will soon be back and acting President Gary Cooper is ill following his LAX adventure and European vacation.
Guest presentation was given by our own John Siler who provided a fresh look at the 1960 presidential election. John reminded the group that the election actually involved Kennedy, Nixon and VA Senator Harry Byrd (segregationist). The Electoral College tally was 303 for Kennedy, 219 for Nixon and 15 for Byrd. John stated that Nixon may have well won the popular vote in what was the closest popular vote up until Gore versus Bush.
John theorized that the inclusion of Lyndon Johnson on the democratic ticket was rendered unnecessary because Kennedy would have won without carrying Texas. Hawaii was originally called for Nixon but was won Kennedy when all votes were tallied. John mentioned that one of the most popular half truths surrounding the 1960 election is that the 9000 disputed Cook County , Illinois votes also turned the election but again the Illinois electoral votes would not have handed the election to Nixon. Nixon in fact would have had to win 3 or 4 of the hotly contested states to garner sufficient electoral votes.
John’s presentation was appreciated well received.
Secretary’s Report: Motion (Haynes) Waive reading of the October minutes. Seconded (Stevens). Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Waived. Treasurer indisposed.
Old Business: Central Coast SAR Brochure – Russ Haynes will obtain bids.
Eagle Scout Medal for Tim Maas discussed and there will be follow up with Gary Cooper and Nate Maas.
Russ Haynes sent a donation to Wreaths Around America.

The December meeting will be @ IHOP as usual.
Motion (Klebs) to limit the SAR brochure production to $100.00 or revisit later. Seconded (Stevens). Carried.
Delinquent dues: 5 @ present
Closing Pledge
Adjournment @ 2:15 pm

November 15, 2013

Meeting, Saturday, November 16, 2013

Next meeting:  Saturday, November 16, 2013, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

Program "Veterans Affaira" cancelled ; rescheduled for 21 December

Replaced with "Election of 1960 - Half-truths, Lies, and Myths"
Program presented by John W Siler

( bring soft tomatoes, rotten cantalope, spoiled citrus, etc_

William W Siler,
Program Chairman 

Reminder:  2014 Dues are due.  Please bring a check to the meeting or mail a check to 

Gary Cooper 
897 Oak Park Blvd. PMB#175
Pismo Beach, CA 93449-3293

October 22, 2013

Meeting Minutes for October 19, 2013

Central Coast Chapter Minutes, October 19, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:10 P.M.
Pledges of Allegiance /SAR led by VP Bill Siler. VP Siler presiding in the absence of Gary Cooper.
Invocation by Nate Maas
Attendance: 6 member and 1 guest speaker
Sunshine Report: Acting President Gary Cooper is attempting another cruise.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Scrimiger read the minutes for the September 21, 2013 meeting. Minutes accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Continued to next month. Dues are due by December 1.
New Business: Registrar Russ Haynes presented Secretary Scrimiger a supplemental certificate for his patriot ancestor James Prather of Maryland.
Nate Maas advised that Eagle Scout contest applications must be submitted by the November meeting.

Wreaths Across America and Flags for troops in Afghanistan tabled until the November meeting.
Candidates for the Rumbaugh Oration competition solicited.
Guest Speaker Gill Blonsley Introduction and Presentation:
Mr. Blonsley has an extensive resume to include Administrative Chief of the Clark Co. Nevada Health Dept., Ethics and Disciplinary Board of the Nevada State Bar Assn., Director Las Vegas Valley Water District and Human Relations Commission for the city of San Luis Obispo. A private sector career included providing new and expanded health services for Sutter Health of Sacramento, contract negotiations on behalf of physicians and clinics.

Mr. Blonsley’s presentation focused on the Affordable Care Act and its implementation. The biggest impact of the ACA will be providing coverage for the 50 million uninsured and requiring that everyone obtain coverage much the same as with auto insurance. Mr. Blonsley stated that Medicare took 3 years to obtain an adequate number of enrollees and he expected the same with the ACA.
Physicians were resistant to Medicare in 1964 but it now works well.

The ACA Tier 1 mandates the purchase of coverage or you must pay a penalty that increases each year.  According to Mr. Blonsley, the glitches with the national website are a result of a recent Supreme Court decision allowing states to opt out and that 29 states did opt out leaving them with no interface with the national website. Many States are now reconsidering due to Medicaid reimbursements.

Benefits of the ACA are universal coverage, portability of coverage, pre-existing conditions are covered, there is no denial of coverage and no maximum. Those within 400% of the poverty line will receive a subsidy for their premiums in the form of a tax credit.

Mr. Blonsley pointed out that the ACA was first conceived by the conservative Heritage Foundation and that it was implemented by Mitt Romney while Governor of MA. The MA system still enjoys a 92.5% approval rating.

In San Luis Obispo County, Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross are the underwriters. The California website is
Q & A followed. Mr. Blonsley was most informative and warmly received. Mr. Blonsley was presented a certificate and cannon.
Closing Pledge
Benediction by Nate Maas
Adjournment @ 3:05 P. M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger
Chapter Secretary

Speaker for the October 19, 2013, meeting, Gill Blonsley, Affordable Care Act Explained

                                               Gill Blonsley and VP Bill Siler
Speaker for October 19, 2013, meeting

Gill Blonsley
Career Highlights
Gill has had a lifelong career in healthcare administration, serving both in the
public and private sectors of the industry. He started as a management analyst in
Nevada government and then went on to serve for 11 years as the administrative
chief of the public health department for Clark County (Las Vegas) Nevada.
In his private sector career} Gill primarily focused on new and expanded health
services for Sutter Health of Sacramento; and later in his private project
management service as an independent contractor. Gill's areas of specialty
include contract negotiations on behalf of physicians and clinics; office operations
training, facility design and promotion.
During the course of his career Gill has served as an officer or director of
numerous public sector and nonprofit entities including: LasVegas Valley Water
District; Ethics and Disciplinary Board of the Nevada State Bar Association; and
ot ers. He is a former member of the Human Relations Ccmrnisslon.iCitv of San
Luis Obispo; and is currently a member of the County Health Commission.
Gill earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Nevada.
Retired and living in the county for the past seven years, he is married to Linda
Selig Blonslev, an attorney practicing bankruptcy law in Arroyo Grande.

October 8, 2013

2014 Annual Dues are Do

Dues for the calendar year 2014, are due and payable before December.  We need the dues from members to submit that part that goes to CASSAR and NSSAR before the end of the year.

NSSAR = $30, CASSAR = $20 and CHAPTER = $25 for a total of $75. 

Dues may be paid at the meeting, or mailed to
Gary Cooper, Treasurer
Central Coast Chapter of the SAR
897 Oak Park Blvd. PMB 175,
Pismo Beach, CA 93449-3293.

Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

Speaker for meeting of Saturday, October 19, 2013

Next meeting:  Saturday, October 19, 2013, 1:00 PM
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA
Mr. Gil Blonsley will be addressing the SAR meeting on October 19th  
next on the program subject of "National Affordable Care Act". Mr.  
Blonsley's career has been in Healthcare Administration,  in both   
public and private sectors. He is retired and living in San Luis  
Obispo County for seven years and presently serving on the County  
Health Commission.

Despite the present controversial nature of the subject my  
introductory remarks will be short and hopefully accepted as neutral  
in viewpoint.

Sincerely, s) John
                 p) John W. Siler
                      Ass't. Program Chair

September 28, 2013

Meeting Minutes for September 21, 2013

Meeting to Order@ 1:10 P.M.
Acting President Gary Cooper led with the invocation, SAR pledge and Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: 7 members and 1 guest speaker
Sunshine Report-Gary had a quadruple bypass and valve replacement surgery a few months ago but is doing well.
Guest Speaker-Paul Williams, Manager for the local Orkin Pest Control franchise
Mr. Williams had experience in retail management and an Agriculture background when he made the career switch to pest control. First a termite inspector, then pest control technician and now service manager for the SLO franchise. Orkin was started in 1901when Otto Orkin developed and sold rat poison. Headquartered in Richmond, VA, Otto became known as the “rat man” and in 1929 the firm expanded to the extermination of cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects. In the 1950’s the “Orkin Man” was introduced and eventually the business was acquired by Rollins, a global company.
Mr. Williams said that much of his business is devoted to the extermination of black Argentine ants but that he also does bed bug eradication employing pesticides and heat. Williams explained that there are two types of termite with one type requiring 3 days of tenting and fumigation while the subterranean termite requiring poisons at their nest. Annual termite inspections were recommended. Williams stated that he also did live animal trappings which conformed to State regulations. Mr. Williams presentation was warmly received.
Secretary’s Report-Secretary Scrimiger read the June minutes. Motion to accept the Minutes (Cooper) Seconded (Rader), Motion Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: $1906.35 current account balance
New Business: Don McGaughey is a member again. Motion to purchase additional certificates for guest speakers (Rader), seconded (Tissue), carried. VP Bill Siler asked for suggestions for future speakers and/or topics and also floated the idea of a Christmas Party in lieu of the regular December meeting. Topic to be revisited next month.
Benediction/Closing SAR Pledge
Adjournment @ 2:35 P.M.

September 20, 2013

Meeting of Saturday, September 21, 2013

Speaker for meeting

Finally got the pigs in the pen.  Paul Williams, from Orkin Pest  
control Company will talk about control of various pests including  
termites and bed bugs, etc. Sorry for the delay which was caused by my  
not starting soon enough. 20th of August was insufficient so next  
month I will start last,January. Not sure how to do that so any help  
from all you experts will be appreciated.

All I know of Williams he is service manager-specialist for Orkin,  
perhaps at SLO and has been in California for 5 years. Originally from  
Houston, TX. Hope to get more bio data tomorrow.
Bill Siler, Vice President

July 15, 2013

No Meeting in July and August

There will be no meetings in July and August.  See you in September.


June 18, 2013

Minutes for June 15, 2013


Meeting to Order @ 1:09 PM
The invocation, SAR Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance were led by acting President, Gary Cooper.
Attendance:  8 members and 1 guest speaker.
Sunshine Report:
Phil Rader and Jerry Evans were in attendance and appear to be in good health. Bill Siler’s trip is going well and his next stop will be Canada.

Guest Speaker Presentation:
Officer Tim Koznek, SLO PD. Officer Koznek has five years with San Luis Obispo PD and prior law
enforcement experience with Atascadero PD and Santa Barbara Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Koznek
said that the new chief has taken a more proactive stance with the homeless or transient populations
because fully one third of all calls involve these individuals. Regrettably, SLO’s reputation as being
a caring city for those in a homeless circumstance led to an ever increasing transient population and
an increase in crime. The newly formed Community Action Team (CAT) will address the issues caused by these populations. Q & A followed.

Secretary’s Report: Reading of last month’s meeting was waived.
Treasurer’s Report: $1884.22 is the current account balance.

New Business:
Jerry mentioned a new CASSAR T-shirt which is available for $21.00. He will bring to our next meeting which will be in September. There will be no meeting in July and August.
Russ Haynes produced informational brochure for review. We will vote on whether to
have them professionally printed in September.

Benediction and Closing Pledge led by Gary Cooper.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger, Chapter Secretary

Guest speaker Tim Koznek, and acting president, Gary Cooper

May 22, 2013

Speaker for May 18, 2013, meeting

The program speaker for the May meeting will be  Ms. Angie King from the Senior Legal  
Services Project here in San Luis Obispo.  Ms King brings  the story of  
how legal services aid those who cannot defray expensive legal  
problems and has long been involved in community work.

April 28, 2013

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for April 20, 2013

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for April 20, 2013
Meeting to Order@1:08 pm
Pledges of America and SAR were led by acting President Gary Cooper. Attendance: 9 members and the guest speaker.
Sunshine Report: Jerry Evans is much improved and hopes to be in attendance in May. Lewis Height is 87 years old this date.
Secretary’s Report: reading of the March minutes was waived.
Introduction of our guest speaker: Dr. Robert Detweiler, Provost, VP of Student Affairs and former History professor @ Cal Poly.
Dr. Detweiler’s presentation was on the presidential election of 1864 and his premise being that it was and remains the most important election in our nation’s history. Dr. Detweiler mentioned that prior to the 1864 contest that the war was still in doubt and that this was in spite of Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg earlier that summer. Democratic candidate General George McClelland has a certain level of popularity, the draft was unpopular, many northerners were uncertain about emancipation, Union losses at the Wilderness and Cold Harbor were deemed unacceptable and the army was mired in trench warfare at Petersburg. McClelland was offering a negotiated peace with the continuance of slavery. President Lincoln himself predicted a loss in the election but the dynamic changed with General Sherman’s successful Georgia campaign including the taking of Atlanta. The Union also won a victory at Mobile Bay and General Sheridan suppressed confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley. Dr. Detweiler also mentioned missteps by the Confederacy including unfortunate promotion of John Bell Hood over General Johnston which led to bloody losses in Georgia and Franklin, Tennessee.  Lincoln was re-elected 55% to 45% in the popular vote with a 74% turnout.
So why the most important election. Dr Detweiler pointed out that if McClelland is elected the Union loses the war, the Union and the Confederacy become separate countries,  both much weaker and vulnerable to foreign aggression and border raids. The precedent is a horrible one if a malcontented minority can tear up a country. Dr. Detweiler stated that national stability is our greatest commodity as a nation and it is that that gives rise to economic power. We are who we are because Lincoln won that most contentious election.
Dr. Detweiler’s presentation was most warmly received.

New Business: The presentation of certificates to Dalton Pittman and Chris Scrimiger (Supplemental).

Treasurer’s Report: Present balance is $1894.46.
6-8 of those present expressed interest in attending the DAR meeting scheduled for May 16 @ noon at the Los Robles Mobile Home Estates Club House on Via Robles, Paso Robles. Their speaker will be Don Mazy, late of the USS Hornet.
Benediction by Earl Rader
Closing Pledge

April 20, 2013

Members Receive Certificates of Application Approval

Dalton Pittman, receives his certificate of approval for his Patroit ancestor, from acting President Gary Cooper, at the April 20, 2013, meeting. Congradulations, Pitt.

Chris Scrimiger, receives his certificate for a supplemental for his Patroit ancestor, from acting President, Gary Cooper.  Congradulations, Chris.

April 13, 2013

Speaker for the meeting of Saturday April 20th

Next meeting:  Saturday, April 20, 2013
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

The Program Subject for 20 April next is "The Election of 1864" and the speaker will be Dr. Robert Detwilder from Cal Poly U.

Bring a friend.

Dr. Robert Detwilder from Cal Poly, with Gary Cooper.

March 28, 2013

Invitation from DAR to hear speaker from the USS Hornet

Update:  13 Apr 2013; 10:30 PM

You are invited to join the Paso del Robles Chapter of the DAR to hear a presentation by Don Mazy on the USS HORNET.
Date: May 16, 2013, Thursday noon.  Please join us for a light lunch.
Location: The Los Robles Mobile Home Estates Club House on Via Robles, Paso Robles.  It is off of Theater Drive (Freeway 101 frontage road), between 46 West exit and Main Street exit (Templeton).  You can google Via Robles, Paso Robles for a map.

Please do us the favor of letting us know how many will be attending so that we can prepare for food and seating.   That means  RSVP

Best Regards, Sue Hayes, Vice Regent 805.464.0479
Please cc correspondence to Donna Cohen, Regent.
The members of our chapter have been invited by the Paso Robles Chapter of the DAR to hear a speaker from the USS Hornet make a presentation in May.  If you are interested, contact Sue Hayes.  Below is the invitation.

My name is Donna Cohen, Regent of the Daughters of the American Reveloution, El Paso de Robles Chapter.  We are trying to locate local SAR members in hopes of sharing an exciting speaker we having coming to speak to our group from the USS Hornet in May.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can gather both groups for this exciting speaker, contact our Vice Regent and Program Chair, Sue Hayes, for further details at (805) 464-0479 or email at  Or feel free to give me a call, or email, at the numbers below.

Thank you so much and we look forward to hearing from you.

In DAR Service,

Donna Cohen
El Paso de Robles
805-227-7105  Home
805-395-0630  Cell

February 28, 2013

Speaker for meeting of 16 Mar 2013

Next meeting:  Saturday, March 16, 2013
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

Program subject is "Grand Jury Operation". The address will be given by a local area attorney, Roger Melkus.
 Mr. Malkus is a local area lawyer. Lives in Avilia Beach. He has BA degree and law degree from Southwestern U. and has practiced law since 1965. Has been certified to Family Law Board of Specialization since 1980. Member of L.A. County and South Bay Bar . Presently Pro Term Judge of Municipal and Superior Courts. Mediator experience since 1980. 

Bring a friend to the meeting.

February 16, 2013

Meeting of February 2013

                          Chris Scrimiger receives a Supplemental Certificate
                          from President Gary Cooper.

                       Sandra Duerr, of The Trib, our guest speaker, receives
                       a Certificate of Appreciation and a coffee mug from President
                       Gary Cooper.

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for February 16, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:09 P.M. Invocation, Pledges of Allegiance and SAR were led by Acting Pres. Gary Cooper. Attendance: 10 Members and 1 Guest.
The January Minutes were read by Secretary Scrimiger. Motion to accept the minutes (Rader), Seconded (Haynes), Minutes approved.
Secretary’s Report: $1957.62 is current account balance.
Old Business: None
New Business: Russ Haynes, Registrar has designed a new Chapter brochure and it was concluded that we should print these on an as needed basis.
Secretary Scrimiger was presented a certificate for his Joseph Edgington supplemental application.
This month’s speaker was Sandra Duerr, Executive Editor of the Tribune. Sandra received the Knight-Ridder General Excellence Award in 2000. Ms. Duerr acknowledged that print circulation has declined but not as badly as with most newspapers. Those declines are being offset by online readership and the app for smart phones/ipads is also increasing readership. Online access is now by subscription.
According to Sandra, the Tribune has been downsizing for a decade and the number of newsroom personnel now stands at 33. In spite of this, the Tribune  provides breaking news 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM firstly online then via their app. Examples of recent hard news items were the stories on Diablo Canyon safety post tsunami, scandals with Cal Poly athletics and a cryptic mention of a future story involving O.J. Simpson’s cabbie from that  fateful night.

Ms. Duerr read some unpublished letters to the editor and her presentation concluded was warmly received.

Russ Haynes will handle the Tribune online publishing of SAR meeting times.

Benediction and Closing Pledge were led by Gary Cooper.

Adjournment @ 2:38 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger, Secretary

February 12, 2013

Sandra Duerr, Exec.Ed. of The Tribune to speak

Next meeting:  Saturday, February 16, 2013
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

Sandra Duerr, executive editor of The Tribune since 1998, has nearly 40 years experience as a reporter and editor in California, Kentucky, New Jersey and Wisconsin.  Under her leadership The Tribune has won more than 200 state and national awards.  Duerr holds a bachelor’s degree in urban studies and journalism and a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University.  She was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University in 1989-90 and was president of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers in 1991-92.  She was given the Knight Ridder General Excellence Award in 2000 for her accomplishments at The Tribune. She has been a Pulitzer Prize juror three times and is a member of the Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa and the Cal Poly Journalism Advisory Board.  Duerr lives in San Luis Obispo with her children, Alex, who attends Cal Poly, and Jackie, who is a senior at San Luis Obispo High School.

February 6, 2013

Eagle Scout Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to Tim Maas, our chapter's Eagle Scout Scholarship winner.  
Tim's essay has won the CASSAR contest and he has been named the 2013 Eagle 
Scout of the Year.  His essay is now be forwarded to the national level where he 
will represent California.  We are very proud of Tim and his accomplishments!

January 25, 2013

Meet The Chapter's New Secretary

Chris Scrimiger
Secretary, Central Coast Chapter SAR

Chris was born in Oakland, CA and raised in Concord and Walnut Creek. He attended
San Jose State University and received a BA in History in 1971. In 1972, he completed his military
training at Fort Ord Drill Sergeant School and in 1973 moved to an active reserve unit at Concord, CA.  The next few years were spent as a social worker in Richmond, Contra Costa Co. while attending LawSchool in San Francisco by night. Chris took employment as a Deputy Real Estate Commissionerwith the Department of Real Estate in San Francisco. Enjoying the regulatory and investigative nature ofthis work he decided to pursue a career as a State peace officer. First was the academy at Golden WestCollege in Huntington Beach, then employment as an investigator with the Department of MotorVehicles in San Jose, Salinas and finally San Luis Obispo. 29 years in all with the State of California andnow semi-retirement for the last seven years. Chris still works intermittently for the California StatewideLaw Enforcement Association as a Field Representative. Chris and his wife Vanessa have resided inCambria for over 20 years. The patriot used for Chris’s initial SAR application was Jonas Sams, a PA militiaman and a veteran of the failed Sandusky Expedition.

January 22, 2013

The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution; what does it mean?

 Background to the 2nd Amendment.
Not everyone approved of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

There are two principle versions of the Second Amendment: one version was passed by Congress, while the other is found in the copies distributed to each individual state and later ratified by them

As passed by the Congress:A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment Defined:

The Second Amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution and the framework to elucidate upon the freedoms of the individual. The Bill of Rights were proposed and sent to the states by the first session of the First Congress. They were later ratified on December 15, 1791.

The first 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution were introduced by James Madison as a series of legislative articles and came into effect as Constitutional Amendments following the process of ratification by three-fourths of the States on December 15, 1791.

Stipulations of the 2nd Amendment:

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the individual to keep and bear firearms.

The right to arm oneself is viewed as a personal liberty to deter undemocratic or oppressive governing bodies from forming and to repel impending invasions. Furthermore, the right to bear arms was instituted within the Bill of Rights to suppress insurrection, participate and uphold the law, enable the citizens of the United States to organize a militia, and to facilitate the natural right to self-defense.

The Second Amendment was developed as a result of the tyrannous rule of the British parliament. Colonists were often oppressed and forced to pay unjust taxes at the hand of the unruly parliament. As a result, the American people yearned for an Amendment that would guarantee them the right to bear arms and protect themselves against similar situations. The Second Amendment was drafted to provide for the common defense and the general welfare of the United States through the ability to raise and support militias.

Court Cases Tied into the Second Amendment

In District of Columbia v. Heller the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm to use for traditionally lawful purposes, such as defending oneself within their home or on their property. The court case ruled that the Amendment was not connected to service in a militia.


The gun debate in the United States widely revolves around the intended interpretation of the Second Amendment. Those who support gun rights claim that the founding fathers developed and subsequently ratified the Second Amendment to guarantee the individual’s right to keep and bear arms. Those who want more stringent gun laws feel that the founding fathers directed this Amendment solely to the formation of militias and are thus, at least by theory, archaic.

State Timeline for Ratification of the Bill of Rights

New Jersey:November 20, 1789; rejected article II

Maryland:December 19, 1789; approved all

North Carolina:December 22, 1789; approved all

South Carolina: January 19, 1790; approved all

New Hampshire: January 25, 1790; rejected article II

Delaware: January 28, 1790; rejected article I

New York: February 27, 1790; rejected article II

Pennsylvania: March 10, 1790; rejected article II

Rhode Island: June 7, 1790; rejected article II

Vermont: November 3, 1791; approved all

Virginia: December 15, 1791; approved all

January 20, 2013

Meeting Minutes 19 Jan 2013

SAR Central Coast Chapter
Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2013
Meeting to Order @ 1:08 PM
Invocation by VP Bill Siler in Pres. Cooper’s stead
Pledges of Allegiance and SAR led by VP Siler
Total in Attendance: 7
Guest Speaker, Liz Summer, Business Development/Relations, Heritage Oaks Bank
Ms. Summer covered a variety of topics including the differences between national banks
and community banks, recent technological developments i.e. new generation of check scanners,
changes in FDIC rules, security issues with online banking and apps for i-phones, droids etc.
Ms. Summer also discussed a recent FBI presentation which he attended that emphasized the on-going problems with skimmers ( those who install readers to collect passwords, account info) from L.A. to the Central Coast. Ms. Summer’s presentation was warmly received.
Motion (Haynes) To suspend the reading of the December minutes.
Seconded (Rader) Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: $2827.62 account balance
Old Business: At the Dec meeting it was decided that in the absence of a quorum those votes would
be valid if no objection up until the following meeting.
New Business: The Chapter has received a new application for membership from Dalton B. Pittman
Closing Pledge
Benediction by VP Siler
Adjournment @ 2:07 PM
Chris Scrimiger, Secretary

                                   VP Bill Siler and Liz Summer, guest speaker

January 11, 2013

Guest Speaker for January Meeting

Next meeting:  Saturday, January 19, 2013
IHOP Restaurant
Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA

Program speaker for January meeting will be Ms. Elizabeth Summer from Haritage Oaks Bank.

Liz Summer has a variety of professional experiences to draw from. Prior to joining Heritage Oaks Bank, she was the  Business Development Officer  for Wells Fargo’s Central Coast Business Banking Group. She  was a founder of Central Coast Magazine, a Financial Advisor  with Merrill Lynch, and an award winning News Anchor at WDIO TV in Duluth, Minnesota.
Born and raised in Duluth, Liz obtained her Bachelor’s  degree in Mass Communications from St. Cloud State University
Liz relocated to San Luis Obispo with her husband and their three children in 1995 when he was hired to anchor the news at KSBY. Liz is a  longtime member of many civic and charitable organizations in and around  San Luis Obispo County. She currently serves on the San Luis Obispo Symphony Board of Directors and served as board President, twice. She serves on the board of Hospice San Luis Obispo County. She is a member of the San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation Development Committee and a member of Rotary Daybreak where she serves as Sergeant at Arms. In addition, Summer is a founder of the San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation Women’s Legacy Fund, is a past President of the San Luis Obispo County Planned Giving Council and is a past President of the San Luis Obispo High School Gridiron Club.
Liz and her husband John have three children. Their  daughter Kate is married and lives in Guam with her husband and their little boy, August. Kate’s husband, a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force,  is currently deployed to the Middle East. Liz and John’s middle child, Jimmy is a junior at Santa Clara University majoring in Business and their youngest child, Louie is at Cuesta Community College.