January 21, 2017

The Partners in Patriotism Certificate

The Partners in Patriotism Certificate, awarded to the Central Coast Chapter of CASSAR.  Presented to Russ Haynes, President (l), by Jim Fosdyck, Exect. Vice President of CASSAR.

January 4, 2017

Next meeting, Saturday, Jan 21, 2017, 1:00 PM, IHOP Restaurant, Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo

Next meeting, Saturday, Jan 21, 2017, 1:00 PM, IHOP Restaurant, Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo.

Our guest speaker for the January meeting.  Don't miss Pete Pepper's talk.  And, bring a friend or relative that is interested in joining SAR. 

In addition to Pete Pepper, we will be honored by our CASSAR Representative, Jim Fosdyck, and Jim will be presenting an award to the Central Coast Chapter.

"Coming Home”

by Pete Pepper (leader of the Central Coast Veterans Helping Veterans Organization)

Pete Pepper leads a group of volunteers, all Veterans, who provide Mentors to the SLO Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program.  Typically, Mentors work with Veterans who have encountered a variety of problems in transitioning from military service to a fully productive life as civilians.  All the participants in the VTC program have been convicted of non-violent crimes such DUI, public intoxication, family disputes, etc.  To be accepted by the judge into the VTC program, the court's health services team must find a "nexus" (direct connection) to traumas experienced in military service.  Some of the Veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury; all have been traumatized by combat or some other military experience.  The VTC program is 12-18 months of intensive recovery and therapy under supervision of the court and County Probation.  The Mentors are assigned to work with their Veteran as they enter the program and are available to them 24/7 until graduation.  Pete will be sharing success stories from the almost three years that the SLO VTC program has been in existence and suggesting opportunities for the audience to participate in helping to save the lives of soldiers, sailors and airmen who have honorably served their country.  Pete Pepper is the CEO of Central Coast Veterans Helping Veterans. More information is available at www.ccvhv.com or CONTACT Pete: 707-217-8657