April 25, 2018

Central Coast Chapter Meeting Notes for April 21, 2018

Central Coast Chapter Meeting Notes for April 21, 2018

 Meeting called to order at 1:08pm

Pledge of Allegiance and SAR pledge

A moment of silence for recently deceased member Gordon Willey

Sunshine Report:  Compatriot Gary Cooper at home and recovering

 Number of Members present 7

1 guest, Daniel Friend, whose SAR application is in process.

 Our scheduled guest speaker, Jordan Cunningham, Assemblyman for the 35th District was unable to attend due to family illness.  In his place, Compatriot John Siler introduced Keegan Koberl, District Coordinator for Assemblyman Cunningham as the guest speaker.

 Keegan Koberl graduated from Cal Poly in 2016 with a Bachelor’s Degree in History.   Prior to joining Assemblyman Cunningham’s office, Keegan worked as a Legislative Aide in the California State Assembly.  Previous to that, Keegan was a student intern assigned to US Department of State.

 Keegan spoke of the many accomplishments by Jordan Cunningham since taking office.  Some of Assembly Bills sponsored/written by Assemblyman Cunningham include spearheading the funding to expand/repair the Highway 41-46 corridor.  This stretch of highway between San Luis Obispo County and Kern County is locally known as “blood alley”.  It has been the sight of several traffic fatalities.  Other legislation include:

 SB 1 Jordan Cunningham opposed this controversial legislation raising the tax on sales of gas.

AB 13 Background checks for civilian employees within law enforcement

AB 1743 Permanently fund, through grants career technical and vocational training in middle school, high school and colleges.

AB484 Requiring sex registration for people convicted of rape through fraudulent or coercion by public officials

Support legislation to increase the penalties for human trafficking, which is on the rise throughout California.

 The guest speaker was well received and provided a good representation of Jordan Cunningham’s career and future goals.

 Guest speaker Keegan Koberl was awarded a small Revolutionary War cannon as token of our appreciation.

 Compatriot John Siler was given a Memorial Certificate on behalf of his father, Compatriot William Siler, who passed away October 3, 2016

 Minutes of last meeting tabled until the next meeting.

 Treasure’s Report: Current balance is $3, 583.34

New Business: Motion made by Scully to send $50.00 in the name of Gordon Willey to  Wilshire Hospice in San Luis Obispo.  Motion seconded by Compatriot Brian Mummert, motion passed.

Closing SAR pledge

Meeting adjourned 2:11

Submitted by Steven Scully, April 25, 2018

Keegan Koberl, guest speaker, receives a deck canon as a gift of appreciation from president, Steven Scully.

John Siler receives a memorial for his father, William Siler, deceased, for his service to SAR.


April 13, 2018

Guest Speaker for April is Jordon Cunningham, State Assembliman, 35th District

The next meeting for the Central Coast Chapter of the SAR will by Saturday, April 21, 2018, 1:00 PM, at IHOP Restaurant on Madonna Rd, SLO.

The guest speaker will be Jordon Cunningham, Assemblyman for the 35th District.

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend and support Jordon.

Also, please bring a friend or family member who might be interest in joining SAR.

Russ Haynes

SAR Members Volunteer with the Vietnam Wall

Steven Scully, Bill Harris and Ernest Miller Volunteer to help erect the Vietnam Wall on the Madonna Field.