February 16, 2013

Meeting of February 2013

                          Chris Scrimiger receives a Supplemental Certificate
                          from President Gary Cooper.

                       Sandra Duerr, of The Trib, our guest speaker, receives
                       a Certificate of Appreciation and a coffee mug from President
                       Gary Cooper.

Central Coast Chapter Minutes for February 16, 2013

Meeting to Order @ 1:09 P.M. Invocation, Pledges of Allegiance and SAR were led by Acting Pres. Gary Cooper. Attendance: 10 Members and 1 Guest.
The January Minutes were read by Secretary Scrimiger. Motion to accept the minutes (Rader), Seconded (Haynes), Minutes approved.
Secretary’s Report: $1957.62 is current account balance.
Old Business: None
New Business: Russ Haynes, Registrar has designed a new Chapter brochure and it was concluded that we should print these on an as needed basis.
Secretary Scrimiger was presented a certificate for his Joseph Edgington supplemental application.
This month’s speaker was Sandra Duerr, Executive Editor of the Tribune. Sandra received the Knight-Ridder General Excellence Award in 2000. Ms. Duerr acknowledged that print circulation has declined but not as badly as with most newspapers. Those declines are being offset by online readership and the app for smart phones/ipads is also increasing readership. Online access is now by subscription.
According to Sandra, the Tribune has been downsizing for a decade and the number of newsroom personnel now stands at 33. In spite of this, the Tribune  provides breaking news 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM firstly online then via their app. Examples of recent hard news items were the stories on Diablo Canyon safety post tsunami, scandals with Cal Poly athletics and a cryptic mention of a future story involving O.J. Simpson’s cabbie from that  fateful night.

Ms. Duerr read some unpublished letters to the editor and her presentation concluded was warmly received.

Russ Haynes will handle the Tribune online publishing of SAR meeting times.

Benediction and Closing Pledge were led by Gary Cooper.

Adjournment @ 2:38 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Scrimiger, Secretary

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